
ICIP news

The first three issues of the ICIP Working Papers collection are published

The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) has published the first three issues in the ICIP Working Papers collection, which can be consulted on the ICIP website. The first issue, written by Rafael Grasa and Arnau Gutiérrez Camps, is entitled Conflict prevention and decentralized governance <>. The second is Freedom from double jeopardy - the ne bis in idem rule - in the inter-American system of human rights and in comparative law, by Priscila Akemi Beltrame; and the third, written by Albert Caramés, talks about Elections in 2009? Progress and obstacles to the construction of peace in the Côte d'Ivoire.

The next issues scheduled are Hezbollah's Identities and their Relevance for Cultural and Religious IR, by Pol Morillas, and The Quest for Regulating the Global Diamond Trade, by Frankziska Bieri.