
International news

The Treaty of Lisbon and other European Union news

The recent ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon by the Czech Republic makes the 1 December the most likely date for its entry into force. Some of the most visible changes in the new treaty are in the institutional sphere, with the creation of a President of the European Union Council. The High Representative for Foreign Policy will also become Vice-President of the Council. This reinforcement of the EU's outer layer is even more apparent with the creation of the European External Action Service, which is planned to have over 130 embassies, thereby becoming the world's largest diplomatic network. In the midst of all this political and diplomatic commotion, Spain assumes the EU presidency during the first six months of 2010. Such a stormy scenario could make the presidency a gift, but it could also be a poisoned chalice. We will see how things have developed in July 2010.