
International news

The United States Institute of Peace celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary in October 2009. This is an independent non-party political institution created by the United States Congress, to implement an idea conceived of by the United States' founding fathers: "if we need a War Department, it will also be necessary to create one for Peace".

The USIP has three main objectives: a) to prevent and resolve violent international conflicts; b) to promote post-conflict stability and development; and c) to increase conflict management capacity, tools, and intellectual capital worldwide. To do so, it strives to empower people and institutions by means of knowledge, resources and efforts to build and consolidate peace all over the world.

In the last twenty-five years its growth has been impressive:

  • Its employees have increased from 3 people to 151.
  • It has published 148 books (the first in 1991) and over 400 publications.
  • It has awarded 2046 grants (since 1986)
  • It has hosted 549 visiting lecturers
  • It has recently worked in the field in Afghanistan, the Balkans, Colombia, Korea, Iraq, Liberia, Nepal, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories and Uganda.

USIP's website