
International News

The death of Muammar al-Gaddafi

The end of the Libyan dictatorship finally arrived on the 20th of October, 2011, when the "Brother-Leader" of the old regime, Muammar al-Gaddafi, was captured and executed by rebels loyal to the National Transicional Council (NTC) of Libya. His death brings an end to Africa's longest-standing dictatorship since 42 years ago the young general successfully led a military coup against king Idris I of Libya. The fall of his regime brings the civil war to an end, which, along with his mandate, has been immersed in controversy. In what has become the Arab's spring "hottest" conflict, al-Gaddafi witnessed his former political allies become bitter enemies who leaded the military intervention which helped bring his regime to an end. The country's uncertain future now hangs between a return to dictatorship or transition to democracy after the NTC's president, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, declared on the 23 of October that the country was at last "free" and that the new government would not contradict the Sharia Law.