

New publications

ICIP has added to its library collection "Nonviolence and the struggle for Peace", jointly edited by Pagès Editors, with two additional titles: the new issue of Els anomenats pacifistes. La noviolència a l'estat espanyol by John Paul Lederach, which includes the author's interviews with Lluís Maria Xirinacs and Gonzalo Arias; and La força de la gent. Resistència no armada i solidaritat global, where editor Howard Clark complies a series of texts dealing with nonviolent struggles around the world.

In addition, the Institute has published a new issue in the ICIP Policy Papers Colleection: Construir la paz y el desarrollo en Costa de Marfil: decisiones nacionales, responsabilidades y deberes compartidos, by Albert Caramés and Rafael Grasa; and the ICIP Bibliographic dossier number 4 with one section wholly given over to the ten years since the opening of Guantanamo.