

Opening of the exhibition "Libya, Year Zero"

ICIP opens the exhibition "Libya, Year Zero", by photographer Alfonso Moral, at the Institute's headquarters in Barcelona (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 658 baixos) and it is open to the public until September 21. The exhibit relives the recent conflict in Libya – after the revolts of the Arab Spring and the war declared by NATO – and it does so by moving away from images of violence and focusing on the effects the conflict has had on the civilian population, with images of children, men and women in their day-to-day coexistence with the war.

Over forty people attended the opening, including ICIP president, Rafael Grasa, and the author of the exhibit, Alfonso Moral. Grasa explained that the staging of the exhibition Libya, Year Zero was part of ICIP's commitment to work on what has happened during the past year, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future in the Arab country. Alfonso Moral explained that the exhibit was the result of a personal endeavour carried out during two trips to Libya, one at the beginning, and the other at the end of the revolution, with a focus on the civilian population. Moral thanked ICIP for placing their trust in his project and their collaboration that made it possible.