Websites and blogs

In the wide range of information that you can find on the internet about education, there is a lot about resources for teachers (workshops, games, activities, suggestions etc.).   These types of sites can be found in various languages and generally offer resources free of charge. The following compilation presents some of these sites and also gives information about the educational programme websites for peace of various organisations.

The School for a Culture of Peace has an educational programme for peace with an extensive resource centre including games and activities. (Catalan, Spanish and English).

The resource section of the Fundipau website offers various educational materials for peace for both teachers and researcher. (Catalan).

The blog site Recerca per la pau has various equivalent of GCSE and equivalent of A-Level research resources associated with peace, human rights and global citizenship. (Catalan).

The website Paula is an initiative to improve education for peace in schools through the support of primary and secondary school teachers. (Catalan and Spanish).

The Tambali collection, of the educational association Escoltes Catalans, offers various resources for educating with values. (Catalan).

EduAlter is a network of educational resources for peace, development and interculturality. (Catalan and Spanish).

El Rebost is a website of the association Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya offering educational and teaching resources. It has an education for peace and dialogue section.  (Catalan).

The Coordinator of ONGs offers a resource centre that has educational material for peace, among other things. (Catalan).

The Aragon Centre of Technologies for Education offers a catalogue of activities for peace. (Spanish).

UNESCO has a large library of publications on educational matters. (Spanish, English and French).

The NGO Teachers Without Borders has prepared an educational programme for peace. (English).

The European Association of History Educators, Euroclio, offers several publications about history teaching on its website. It has also created the website Historiana, offering various resources. (English).

The Pret Rawat foundation has an educational programme for peace. (English).

In Factis Pax is an online magazine about education for peace. (English).

The International Institute on Peace Education offers materials, discussions and experiences about education for peace. (English).

Oxfam offers various educational resources. Many of them are related to education for peace. (English).

The organisation Educators for Social Responsibility has various resources to help students understand world events. (English).

The International Schools Association has a resource directory about education for peace. (English).

Research articles, NGO and think-tank reports and other documents

Various documents, research articles, academic articles and NGO and think-tank reports can also be found online, including important contributions to the field of education for peace. Some of these documents are aimed at teachers, while others are for academics or researchers. The following compilation includes free documents about different areas of education for peace.

The education trade union USTEC has prepared a magazine including educational proposals for education for peace. (Catalan).

The paper "La música com a instrument d'educació per la pau", by Alba Sanfeliu and Marina Caireta, suggests using different educational contents for peace through music. (Catalan).

The Department for Education of the Regional Government of Catalonia has prepared a guidance document for authors and publishers of textbooks, entitled Equitat, Diversitat i Usos lingüístics als llibres de text. (Catalan).

The International Civil Trade Union has prepared a systemisation guide for trainers, educators and teachers, including educational resources for social transformation and education for peace. (Catalan).

The Catalan Association of Engineers Without Borders has published a book entitled Integració de la Tecnologia per al Desenvolupament Humà en l'Ensenyament Secundari Obligatori. (Catalan).

The Catalan Federation of NGOs for peace has prepared a estudio comparativo de diferentes libros de texto de tercero de la ESO en Cataluña (Catalan).

The Textbook Supervisory Committee of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) has prepared an análisis de los libros de texto de ciencias sociales desde una perspectiva de paz (cuarto de ESO, 2008-2011). (Catalan).

The document Educar en y para el conflicto, by Paco Cascón, offers thoughts and analysis about education for peace.  (Spanish).

The document "La expresión, el teatro y la educación para la paz. Complicidades y posibilidades", by Marina Caireta, discusses the relationship between social theatre and educational psychology regarding the expression of education for peace and conflicts. (Spanish).

The NGO Amnesty International offers an educational guide about teaching human rights in schools. (Spanish).

The article "Progresos y retos de la educación para la paz en Cataluña", by Cécile Barbeito and Marina Caireta, discusses education for peace in Catalonia. (Spanish).

The Commission for Ecological Education of Ecologists in Action has prepared a study of the hidden anti-ecological curriculum of textbooks. (Spanish).

The library of the Algeciras Teachers' Centre (La Linea) has prepared a paper including the educational materials for peace that it has.   (Spanish).

The paper Evolución de la educación para la paz, by Rafael Grasa, proposes a new educational approach for peace for this millennium. (Spanish).

The organisation Community-Based Institutes on Peace Education (CIPE) has prepared a guide to planning education for peace. (English).

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has a paper about education for global citizenship. (English).

The European Council has prepared a paper including recommendations for the teaching of history and history textbooks after the conferences and symposiums that took place between 1952 and 1983. (English).

UNESCO has a guide to reviewing and researching textbooks. (English).

Books available at the ICIP library

The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) library is a centre that specialises in the subjects of a culture of peace, security and conflict. There is free access to the library's collection for anyone interested in these subjects. In the library there is access to a wide range of information about education for peace online, including the Journal of Peace Education, which is also available in a paper edition. Below is a compilation of some of the books available:

Alonso, R.; Ros, A. 1=1. Activitats per comprendre i combatre la desigualtat social. Barcelona: Graó, 2009. Col.Tambali.

Alonso, R.; Ros, A. Al·lucinant! Propostes educatives per fomentar una conducta crítica enfront el consum de drogues. Barcelona: Graó, 2008. Col. Tambali.

Barbeito, C.; Caireta, M. Jocs de pau: caixa d'eines per educar per una cultura de pau. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2008.

Bastida, A. Desaprender la guerra: una visión crítica de la educación para la paz Barcelona: Icaria, 1994.

Bastida, A. Estat de la qüestió de l'educació per a la pau a Catalunya i a la resta de l'Estat Espanyol, Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Interior, Relacions Institucionals i Participació, Oficina de Promoció de la Pau i dels Drets Humans, 2010.

Cascón, P.; Martín, C. La alternativa del juego [1]: juegos y dinámicas de educación para la paz. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2004. Col. Edupaz.

Comins, I. Filosofía del cuidar: una propuesta coeducativa para la paz. Barcelona: Icaria, 2009.

Fundación Arigatou. Aprender a vivir juntos: Un programa intercultural e interreligioso para la educación ética. Ginebra: ATAR Roto Presse, 2008.

Gili, S. Vivint el medi: Recursos per conèixer i interaccionar amb l'entorn des de l'educació ambiental. Barcelona: Graó, 2009. Col. Tambali.

Haavelsrud, M. El Poder de la educación: aprendizajes para vivir en libertad. Madrid: Arena, 2010.

Iglesias, C. Educar pacificando: una pedagogía de los conflictos. Santiago: Ibérica, 2007.

Lederach, J. El abecé de la paz y los confictos: educación para la paz. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2000.

Martínez, A.; Ardila, C. El presente: donde todo es posible. Bogotà: Impresol, 2008.

Pericles, P: Wright, B (ed.). Critical issues in peace and education, New York: Routledge, 2011.

Sáez, P. Guerra y paz en el comienzo del siglo XXI: una guía de emergencia para comprender los conflictos del presente. Madrid: CIP-FUHEM. 2002.

Seminario de educación para la paz. Asociación pro derechos humanos. La alternativa del juego [2]: juegos y dinámicas de educación para la paz. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata, 2004. Col. Edupaz.

Seminario Galego de Educación para a Paz. Educar para desaprender la violencia: materiales didácticos para promover una cultura de paz, Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata. 2005.

Triobó, G. (coord.). Fem memòria, construïm el futur: eines educatives per a la comprensió del temps històric i la recuperació de la memòria històrica. Barcelona: Graó, 2010. Col. Tambali.

Zabala, M. Pim, pam, pau!: eduquem per la pau: idees i activitats per a educadores i educadors crítics, Barcelona: Graó, 2011. Col. Tambali.