

Iraq: Resistance

The ICIP presents a series of fifteen reports entitled Iraq: resistance, on today's Iraq, consisting of texts and documentary clips by the journalist Alberto Arce, a collaborator with the Institute. The pieces were published every day between 15 February, the anniversary of the worldwide demonstrations in 2003 against the invasion of Iraq (the largest anti-war mobilisation in history took place on 15 February 2003) and the Iraqi legislative elections on 7 March.

Alberto Arce, political scientist and freelance journalist, a travelled around Basra, Rumeitha, Najaf and Baghdad last December and January, and shows the resistance by trade unionists, students and teachers in his report, the majority of which are accompanied by a video clip subtitled in Catalan, Spanish and English.

Alberto Arce is a collaborator of the ICIP, and also works with print and audiovisual media. He directed Nablus, la ciudad fantasma [Nablus - the ghost town], which won the TV3 Docupolis Best Producers Prize in 2005; Mesalla, pacifistas en Irak [Mesalla, pacifists in Iraq], for El Documental on TV3, 2007; Borrados del mapa [Wiped off the map], for Documentos TV on TVE, 2009; Barcelona-Gaza peace park for the organisations co-ordinator "Amb Palestina Al Cor", and To shoot an Elephant, which won the best director przie at the Florence Festival in 2009. He also won the Anna Lindh Journalism Prize in 2009 for this series of reports from Gaza for El Mundo.

To follow them every day until 7 March, visit the ICIP website.