

The new collection "Classics of Peace and Non-violence" is now available at the book shops

The first two volumes of the collection "Classics de la Pau i de la no violència" (Classics of Peace and Non-violence), which are co-edited by the ICIP and the publishing house Angle, are already available at the book shops. Mahatma Gandhi, by the French intellectual Romain Rolland, is the opening volume of the collection because of its historical and symbolic value as it is the book that divulged Gandhi's figure in the western countries. The second volume is dedicated to Pau Casals and it compiles a series of his writings and statements related to the topic of Peace. The book has been edited by Josep Maria Figueras and it is entitled Pau Casals, escrits i discursos: pau, pau i sempre pau! (Pau Casals, Writings and Statements: Peace, Peace and always Peace!).

With the collection "Classics of Peace and Non-violence" the International Catalan Institute for Peace wants to promote and divulge personalities and works which have become a reference point for their inspiring potential and their historical impact (past and present) as they have established new ways that continue to be valid in the present. With this collection, the ICIP also intends to create and establish a library of the classics in Catalan, so that it can put together a series of authors who have never been translated into the Catalan language before.

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