

New publications: Working Papers, reports and books

"The OAS and the promotion of democracy in the Americas: an objective under construction," by Neus Ramis, is the title of the seventh Working Paper published this year by the ICIP. The study shows that since the end of the Cold War, democracy has become one of the basic objectives in the planned for integration of the Americas as a hemisphere, but argues that this objective is still under construction in terms of action. The document is currently available in Spanish:

To coincide with the second round of presidential elections in Côte d'Ivoire, the ICIP has published the report on the seminar "Conditions pour la consolidation de la paix en Côte de Ivoire", which was held in the country's economic capital, Abidjan, in late September. The seminar was organised by the ICIP in collaboratoin with the CERAP (Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour la Paix) and the University of Bouaké. Document available at:

The ICIP has published the book containing all the material that was produced at the first international session in Barcelona in March. The first part includes the document prepared by the Russell Tribunal's Committee of experts from Catalonia and Spain, which the tribunal used to state the necessary precedents to make a ruling. The second part includes the testimony by all the experts who appeared during the session; this shows what happened in Barcelona in detail, and provides a better understanding of how the RTP works. The third part contains the conclusions of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine at its Barcelona session. These are preliminary conclusions that will be added to those of other sessions that will be held in London and New York, and which will culminate in the final conclusions that will be announced at the South Africa session in September 2011. Finally, a series of appendices are included which provide useful information on the Barcelona session. Document available at:

The third volume of the collection "ICIP Documents" is available in print (Spanish) and in digital format (Spanish and English). "Measuring peace. Initiatives, limitations and proposals" includes the report and conclusions of the seminars held under the same title in Barcelona in March.

PDF (Spanish):
PDF (English):