

Elisabeth Porter. Peacebuilding. Women in Internacional Relations. Nova York: Routledge, 2007.

The author argues that the construction of peace can be seen in a broader sense than the way in which it is usually framed at the United Nations. With this book, she aims to highlight some key ideas and practices in the construction of peace, considered in its broadest sense as a range of formal and informal processes that occur during pre-conflict, conflict and post-conflict situations.

From this point of view, the work of women in conflicts and societies in transition can be assessed as contributions to the construction of a sustainable peace based on justice. Despite Porter's argument that the construction of peace is relevant to men and women, she decides to emphasise women's experience in the construction of peace in various international situations, highlighting the lessons that can be learnt from the good practices in the construction of peace based on SCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

The author constructs her argument based on the theoretical perspective of peace and conflict studies, international relations, political theory and feminist ethics, and concludes that the inclusion of women in decision-making in societies in transition entails a major commitment to gender justice, equality, human rights for women and the reconstruction of relations in demilitarised societies. The construction of peace must be truly inclusive of women and men in all aspects of life if reconciliation is to be something more than a slogan.
