


The Barcelona Declaration on the Human Right to Peace is now available in five languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Arabic. This document includes the contents approved in Barcelona in June after many months of international debate. The campaign aims to obtain recognition by the United Nations for peace as a fundamental right, so that peace, development and human rights are linked

The report on the seminar organised by the ICIP in late September on "Conditions pour la consolidation de la paix en Côte d'Ivoire" in the country's commercial capital, Abidjan, in collaboration with the co-operation with the CERAP (Centre de Recherche et Action sur la Paix) and the University of Bouaké is now available, currently in Catalan and French.

This year's Working Paper number 8 has been published, and is entitled "Conflict, peace and security in Africa: an assessment and new questions after 50 years of African independence", by Rafael Grasa and Óscar Mateos.