

ICIP publicises the magazines of the peace movement in a digital format

ICIP has undertaken the digitalisation of the most emblematic publications associations related to the Catalan Peace movement, aiming to publicise fairly unknown sources that are difficult to find due to their special character – often not through regular publishing channels – and their across the Catalan territory.

The project has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Library of Catalonia (La Biblioteca de Catalunya) which conducts a digitalisation project of Catalan periodical heritage, or the Catalan Archive of Old Periodicals (ARCA).

In this first phase of the project, a list of the most significant periodicals of the age have been selected in order to localise complete collections, to digitalise them and make them available for consultation by the public. The following publications have been digitalised: Diari de la pau, En peu de pau, En pie de paz, Mocador, La pau: diari de la pau, Pax and La puça i el general. You can find all the links on the ICIP website (