
  • The relationship between conflict and natural resources from the perspective of peace research and conflict transformation

    Rafael Grasa

    From the point of view of peace research and conflict transformation, the relationship between violent conflict and the environment has been a frequent issue for many years. In fact, very often we hear speak of “environmental conflict” in at least two different ways. The first way is to refer to conflict related with an environmental agenda (dumping grounds, natural resources, administration of water, waste management, climate change, etc.), in other words, social conflict, often arising from incompatibilities or antagonism of a distributive nature, which affect environmental assets or issues. The second way, in which the issue has appeared in more recent times, is the use of the expression to refer to recent conflicts of an environmental nature, which require specific tools for their analysis and intervention, as is the case with biopiracy or, within the context of this current issue of the magazine, conflict associated with extractive industries. Read more



  • Joan Martínez Alier

    Joan Martínez Alier, Professor of Economics and Economic History at the UAB

    Eugènia Riera

    Highly renowned academic and ecologist, for several years Joan Martínez Alier has been defending a new economic model that would enable us to live in a more just society while being more respectful with the environment. Pioneer in the field of ecological economics and politics, he is currently coordinating the European network EJOLT dedicated to analysis of environmental conflicts. In this interview, we discuss the project and he also offers us alternatives to the existing model for growth, which he considers obsolete and dissociated. Read more



  • My Name is Jody Williams

    My name is Jody Williams

    Jody Williams is a fascinating individual. She’s fascinating for any peace or human rights activist, but even more so for those of us who have researched disarmament campaigns in any depth such as the campaign to ban landmines. Our paths have crossed on many occasions, especially during the negotiation period for the treaty to prohibit cluster munitions. And, as other activists and diplomats can confirm, she is the kind of person who leaves a lasting impression on you. Read more

  • The pillars of peace

    The Pillars of Peace

    What factors make one society more peaceful than another? How can positive peace levels be measured?

    The Institute for Economics and Peace recently published a report titled ‘The Pillars of Peace’, which provides a precise definition of the structures required to build a peaceful society, understanding peace as a state of social justice beyond a mere absence of violence. Read more

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