Memory, coexistence and reconciliation

Wars and dictatorships have a social, political, and psychological impact on societies and people who have suffered traumatic experiences. These impacts are not overcome by signing a peace agreement or democratic elections. Promoting reconstruction processes of the social fabric and reconciliation within society and institutions are necessary. And it is imperative to find a way to reconstruct the memory of traumatic events to promote psychosocial healing and create conditions to avoid repeating cycles of violence.

This program aims to give visibility and support to civil society initiatives in political transition processes. We promote the exchange of innovative experiences to encourage coexistence, often through creative artistic expressions. In particular, we highlight diasporas’ role in peace and memory processes, especially for women and victims.

Project with the Colombian Truth Comission

One of the main fields of work within the program “Memory, coexistence and reconciliation” is the work ICIP did for the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia. Since 2019, ICIP has been the technical secretariat for the Commission in Europe, aiming to facilitate contact and coordination among the various organizations of victims in exile.

ICIP provided technical and material support to the activities that the Commission organized in Europe, coordinated the various work groups established in the different European countries (the so-called ‘nodos’), and granted methodological support to the process of taking testimonies of Colombian victims in exile. This allowed the Commission to document all cases and contribute to the clarification of truth, justice and non-repetition.

In 2022, the ICIP and the Colombian Truth Commission produced a documentary to show the role of the Colombian diaspora and exile in Europe. The film, ‘Para volverte a ver’, is a production of Mandorla Films, an independent audiovisual company specializing in documentaries.

The documentary was filmed in Denmark, Switzerland and Catalonia. In these countries are where they four protagonists of the film live: Yanira Restrepo, Juana Sánchez, Wilmer Torres and Lizethe Álvarez.

Filming ended during a meeting of Colombians in exile that the ICIP organized in April 2022 in Barcelona. Commissioners Carlos Beristain and Lucía González, who also appear in the film, took part in this meeting.

Download the press kit about the documentary here.

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Last update: 29/01/2024