Nel Noddings. Educació per la pau. Com arribem a estimar i a odiar la guerra. Barcelona: Institut Català Internacional per la Pau; Pagès, 2016. Collection “Noviolència i lluita per la pau”, 9.

Nel Noddings is one of the responsibles for the introduction of the ethics of the cure in the field of education for peace, a fresh contribution coming from feminism. In the book, Educació per la pau: com arribem a odiar i a estimar la guerra (Peace Education: How we come to Love and Hate War), the author analyzes the psychological factors that sustain war, such as: nationalism, hate, masculinity and religious extremism.

It is true that schools can do little to reduce the economic and political causes of war, but they can indeed contribute to moderate the psychological factors that foster violence, and help students understand the forces that manipulate them. Noddings proposes to work encouraging free debate and independent critical thinking at the classroom, parting from informed materials and facts from experience.

About the author

Nel Noddings is an emeritus teacher at the University of Stanford. She is author of several publications on a great variety of topics related to education from the ethics of cure to the resolution of mathematical problems. Her career in the educational field has also been wide: she has worked as a teacher, administrator and curriculum supervisor for public schools; she has been president of the Department of Mathematics in New Jersey and director of the Lab Schools of the University of Chicago. In Stanford, she has been granted the Teachers Excellence Award on several occasions.