Jean-Marie Muller. La noviolència a l’educació. Barcelona: Institut Català Internacional per la Pau; Líniazero, 2013.

The concepts which set up and structure our though leave very few space for the notion of nonviolence, whereas violence conforms an important part of our universe of thought and our conduct. Nonviolence challenges our reference points. Therefore, we must start a pedagogycal work which really transforms the minds of both children and teachers.

We must educate children in nonviolence. However, to do so, education itself has to inspire on the principles, rules and methods of nonviolence.

About the author

Jean-Marie Muller is member and founder of the Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN) and director of studies at the Institut de Recherche sur la Résolution Non-violente des Conflits (IRNC). As a writer, he has published several books on nonviolence which have been regarded as reference books, such as Le principe de nonviolence (Desclée de Brouwer), Gandhi l’insurgé (Albin Michel) and Le courage de la non-violence (Éditions du Relié).