Caterina García y Pablo Pareja. Seguridad, Inc. Las empresas militares y de seguridad privadas en las relaciones internacionales contemporáneas. Barcelona: Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, 2013.

From an international relations perspective, the different chapters of Seguridad, Inc. provide a critical reflection on the impact that privatisation of security has on the sovereignty of states; on the characteristics of this new industry and the global market of private military and security companies; and on the serious violations of human rights which these companies commit and their legal responsabilities, as well as on the legal void of the current International Law framework and the regulation proposal which is now being debated at the United Nations. The cases of Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balcans are also analized from this perspective, as well as the piracy case of Malaca strait.

The book provides an essential reflection to understand the implications of the activities carried out by private military and security companies, and analizes this new industry and its developement, which has contributed to the privatisation of war.

The authors

Caterina García is an International Relations Professor at the UPF. Among her research areas are: theory of international relations, non-gubernamental international actors, the evolution of international order and the transforations of security.

Pablo Pareja is an International Relations teacher at the UPF and IBEI. His research areas are: theory of international relations, international relations with East Asia, Chinese foreign policy and contemporary security.