On Wednesday, February 8, at 12.30 p.m., a new presentation of the book An alternative security framework will take place, this time for an English-speaking audience.

It will be an online event organized by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), of which ICIP is a member, and will feature the initial intervention of one of the book’s authors, researcher Teddy Baker.

Baker holds a degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics and currently works at the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) in Barcelona. The presentation will be followed by a discussion among participants.

In a context in which the conception of security is closely linked to the defence of the integrity of states, the book An alternative security framework brings together these theories that are critical of security rooted in the armed violence of the state, reducing the distance between their approaches and developing a common ground for the transformation of security.

The book, published by ICIP in the collection “Eines de pau, seguretat i justícia” is written by Teddy Baker, Olga Batallé and Francesc Teodoro. The book was published simultaneously in Catalan, Spanish and English, on paper and also in electronic format (pdf and ePub).

To follow the presentation, you must register beforehand through this link.
