The exhibit “Facing Violence: Stories of Resilience in Central America” launched in Barcelona in October of last year during the celebration of the Second World Peace Congress, continues its tour of Catalonia.  From 24 May to 6 June it will be on display at the Plaça de la Corona in Granollers (Vallès Oriental).

The exhibit, created by the Ruido Photo Collective and produced by ICIP, is part of the Granollers: A Town Open to Peace program that commemorates the bombing of 1938.  Based on the remembrance and preservation of the historical memory of the bombings of 1938 and 1939, this program consists of a series of activities that aim to work for peace, global justice and human rights in order to make the city a place where the values of coexistence, dialogue, education and the peaceful resolution of conflicts prevail.

Through photography and interviews, the exhibition is a journey through the many faces of violence that affect daily life in three Central American countries known as the Northern Triangle: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

The figures are alarming: on average, a person is killed every 40 minutes. Extortions, rapes, kidnappings, murders and disappearances, and situations of poverty and social exclusion are part of the daily lives of a large segment of the population, especially the most vulnerable.

However, in this hostile context of violence, the exhibition also gives voice to the people who fight, day after day, to transform this reality through educational initiatives, awareness, care and solidarity. Brave people who undertake projects with a great capacity for resilience demonstrate that history is not written and that there is extraordinary potential to advance towards peace.

The exhibition is installed in the Plaça de la Corona in Granollers
